GSS 682

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たちよらば 影ふむ許 ちかけれど 誰かなこその 関をすへけん


If I draw near, I am close enough to tread on your shadow, but who added the "do not come" barrier?

Textual Notes

  • Prose Preface
    • 御ぐしおろさせたまうてのころ] 入道せさせ給てのころ(堀)、の入道したまひてのころ(荒・片・雲)、御ぐしおろし給て(坊)
    • 御帳] ただ御帳(雲・坊・承・正)
    • めぐり] めきり(承)
    • 人] とのゐ人(堀・荒・片・雲・慶)
    • さぶらはせたまうて] 候はしめ給て(雲・坊)
    • ちかうよせられざりければ] ちかうもめしよせられざりければ(行・承・正・正保・八・増・標・新・旧国・全釈)、ちかうめしよせざりければ(中・雲・慶・新ィ)、ちかうもよせられざりければ(貞・安)、ちかくもめさざりければ(堀)、ちかうめしよせざりければ(荒・片)、ちかうよせざりければ(坊)
    • 御帳] 帳(坊)
    • むすびつけける] さしおきける(荒・片)、さしおけりける(雲)、むすびつけけり(慶・新ィ)
    • 小八条御息所] 小八条(坊)
  • Poem
    • たちよらば] たちよれば(荒・片*) 立よればの誤か(標柱). Some sources suggest this is a better reading due to a Tsurayuki poem that reads 立ち寄れば. 新抄 disagrees.
    • ちかけれど] ちかきまに(堀・雲・荒・片*・坊)
    • 誰かなこその関をすへけん] あひみぬせきをたれかすへけん(行・坊)、を(堀ィ)、あひみぬせきはたれかすゑけん(荒・片・雲). 新抄 believes that this (as well as the other GSS readings) are better than the alternates.

Other Sources


Emperor Uda took holy orders in 900 (or 899?). After this, he would no longer be allowed to see his women.
This is a dais surrounded by screens, used as a bedroom and living space.
This is in Michinoku. The name plays on な来そ ("do not come"). The poet is close enough to touch Uda but is not summoned. The place is found in a Komachi poem as well as the Genji. This could be the first use, however (全釈).


See SKKS 1181 (sent by Uda to Kohachijo, not related to this poem). Also KKR 2812 and Tsurayuki-shu 684.

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