Glossary S

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しらつゆ(白露) 名

  1. "white" dew; the white color is from the light reflecting from it.
  2. As a 枕詞, connects to おく (from the dew laying, usually plays on 起く), 消ゆ, or たま.

GSS: 625


すぎ(杉) 名

The Japanese cedar tree.

GSS: 624


せち(切) 形動ナリ

This is a term borrowed from Chinese, but used widely in kana literature. It appears in 竹取物語, 源氏物語, and 枕草子. Adverbially it means intently or wholeheartedly, but examples in both the 竹取 and 伊勢物語 specifically refer to a deep or fervent love.

GSS: 629